CTLGroup was retained by Manson Construction Company to qualify concrete mixtures and evaluate the design service life of precast concrete elements used for the construction of the Mile Point Training Wall Reconfiguration in Jacksonville, Florida. The project specifications required a 50-year design service life, and CTLGroup performed STADIUM® testing and service life modeling to evaluate and qualify the combination of concrete mixture, concrete cover thickness, and reinforcing steel type.
Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) mixtures were trial batched at CTLGroup laboratories in order to evaluate and qualify the mixtures for fresh and hardened properties. In addition, the hardened properties and transport characteristics of concrete samples fabricated in the precast plant were verified during production. Service life predictions of laboratory and plant-fabricated concrete specimens were conducted with STADIUM® testing and modeling.
Laboratory testing and modeling results suggested that the service life of the precast elements would be in excess of the service life project requirements. CTLGroup also perform service life simulations with higher ionic transport properties and found the results would also meet the service life requirements.