Privacy Policy
CTLGroup’s privacy statement discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website, Questions regarding this statement can be directed through the above “Inquire” button or by calling CTLGroup directly.
CTLGroup’s Privacy Statement
CTLGroup is the sole owner of the information it gathers on its site. CTLGroup will not share your personal information with any outside party without your explicit consent unless we are required by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary to conform to the edicts of the law, cooperate with law enforcement agencies, or comply with a legal process served on our website.
What Information is Collected and How it is Used:
• Contact Us
We use online forms located on the “Contact Us” page; accessed via “Inquire” buttons for many topics; and other links throughout the website to allow you to contact us directly with inquiries, orders, questions, or comments. The information you submit is used to respond directly to your questions or comments. We may also file your comments to improve the site and our services, or review and discard the information. Your personal information is not shared with third parties.
• Subscribe / Unsubscribe to E-mail Updates
On the home page of the website, you may subscribe to receive CTLGroup e-mail updates (these may consist of newsletters, press releases, news updates, or announcements about CTLGroup projects or changes in staff or services). Your email address is needed for the purpose of sending these emails
Whenever an email address is ‘Subscribed’ to the list a confirmation message is automatically sent to that address with instructions how to ‘Unsubscribe’–in the case the addition was unwarranted.
To ‘Unsubscribe’ from receiving a CTLGroup e-mail update, click on the “Unsubscribe” option at the bottom of the e-mail. A single automated confirmation email message will be sent to the email address–in the case the removal was unwarranted.
• Logged Files and Cookies
The CTLGroup website logs IP addresses and browser types for systems administration purposes. These logs are analyzed to improve our website. We do not link IP addresses to personally identifiable information.
Temporary Cookies are used to control access to pages on the website. Permanent cookies are used when a user logs in and selects “Remember Me” for easier future log ins. For more information on Cookies and how to ‘Allow/Block’ them in IE, visit Microsoft’s website: Cookies.
• Security
Protecting your privacy and your information is a top priority at CTLGroup. We have taken careful measures to prevent the loss, misuse, and alteration of your information. Our website uses SSL to encrypt personal information you submit to us online. Once your information is entered into our website, it is stored behind a firewall. We use reasonable means to safeguard information under our control.
• Notification of Changes
If we are going to use your personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection we will notify you via email. You will have a choice as to whether or not we use your information in this different manner. If we make any material changes in our privacy practices that affect user information stored in our database, we will post a notice on our website notifying users of the change.