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Type V cement is not available – now what?
Complimentary webinar for owners, contractors, attorneys, insurers, engineers, architects, and other construction industry professionals.
May 28, 2020 1:00 PM Central Time.
Continuing education credit offered for engineers (1.0 PDH)
Sulfate deterioration in concrete is a complex mechanism that can manifest in different manners throughout the service life of concrete structures. Current industry practice requires the use of sulfate-resistant cements – which are frequently not a viable option for use due to their availability or economics – or the evaluation of combinations of cementitious materials through long-term testing that does not fit well with construction schedules.
By attending this webinar, participants will be able to:
- Describe the key mechanisms and manifestations of sulfate-deterioration in concrete,
- Identify the typical code and specification requirements for sulfate-resistant concrete structures,
- Identify the available sulfate-resistant cement and supplementary cementitious material combinations for use in projects, and
- Understand the available evaluation methods for cement and/or cementitious combinations for sulfate resistant concrete elements
Live Q&A will follow the presentation.
Live Webinar Speakers
Don Broton
Don’s specialty resides in the analysis and evaluation of cement and cementitious systems that include base materials such as limestone, gypsum, clinker, ground granulated blast furnace slag, fly ash and silica fume. With a sound background in evaluation of these base materials, he specializes in performance evaluations of the final products. Don is involved in various professional organization: he is a former chair of ASTM C01.23 (Cement Compositional Analysis) and is a Honorary Member of ASTM Committee C01 on cement.
Jose Pacheco, Ph.D., P.Eng.
Jose has expertise in the development of high performance and conventional concrete mixtures for construction; construction troubleshooting; assessment and evaluation of concrete degradation mechanisms; and service life predictions for new and existing concrete structures. His other areas of technical work include moisture and transport properties of concrete, volumetric changes of concrete (creep & shrinkage), internal curing, and advanced characterization techniques. Jose is an active member of American Concrete Institute, and currently serves as secretary of ACI 365.
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