Industrial By-Products
Today, even with the latest technological advances, most manufacturing and energy generating facilities still end up producing by-products. Oftentimes, it is difficult to find cost-effective and environmentally friendly disposal or reuse solutions for these by-products. With over a century of laboratory experience and an array of physical and chemical testing equipment at hand, CTLGroup can assist you to develop pragmatic solutions for your industrial by-products.
Our Chemistry Lab
The chemistry lab at CTLGroup is equipped to answer questions ranging from the most basic to complex – from hazardous nature characterization for disposal to identification of mineral compounds for reuse purposes. CTLGroup can assist landfill owners and or managers in evaluating thermal profiles and outgassing potentials of by-products destined for disposal at their sites. Our expert consultants will also work with you to develop creative scientific solutions for reuse. CTLGroup’s experts are active in the technical community and are proficient in research and development of new products.