Construction Accidents & Failures
CTLGroup performs investigations of failures and accidents that occur during the construction phase. Our experts are familiar with the practical aspects of construction work and are well-versed in the fundamentals of engineering mechanics and material behavior, which is necessary for determining the root cause of construction accidents. CTLGroup’s engineers have directed on-site studies of high-risk excavation and construction operations, developed recommendations to improve construction safety and construction quality, and routinely perform on-site evaluations, monitoring, quality control observations, and troubleshooting at active construction projects.
Construction Practices & Procedures
Our familiarity with construction practices and procedures extends beyond standards and codes, allowing us to approach investigations with both practical experience and technical expertise. CTLGroup has investigated construction accidents and failures involving:
- Design of critical lifts
- Demolition
- Erection
- Excavation and earth retention structures
- Forming and shoring
- Site safety
- Temporary works